
For people who are ready to live their lives as an exclamation and LET LOVE RETURN after their cancer diagnosis.


Trauma creates change you don’t choose.
Healing is about creating change you do choose.

-Michelle Rosenthal

You're in the right place.






What you would like to be experiencing in your life.

A powerful vision for your transformation and how that transformation will impact your life.

Which choices, habits and long term side effects contribute to the experiences you are currently having.

a step-by-step plan tailored for you to create lasting change.

Transformation is an internal shift that will bring you in alignment with your highest self. It affects how you see and relate to the world and your place in it. This shift requires commitment and consistency. Over the span of 90 days, I will give you the right system, support and accountability so you can create the life you desire.  Then, you can live your life as an exclamation and let love return.

This stage is all about designing the blueprints that will help direct your energy towards your desired objective. Evaluating what increases your energy and motivation as well as what depletes your energy is an important step in this process. It provides another level of clarity. I am here to ensure that the insights you gain are incorporated into a program that sets you up for success.

How It Works



This is a FREE 75-minute session to get to know each other and draw out your desired outcome and vision. We dive deep into your needs and desires and gain clarity on where you want to be versus where you are now. This conversation is also a chance for you to experience being coached by me - a coach who may not be in the same boat as you, but has been in the same storm.  

STEP two



WEEKLY COACHING, YOGA, or A Combination of the two


"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"

Made six figures:


  • 1:1 weekly coaching calls (60mins, 12 sessions)
  • A strategic and clear plan
  • Weekly Action Steps
  • Support between calls via voice/text message


Package Details



Coaching & Yoga
combo package

  • 1:1 weekly coaching calls         (60 mins, 10 sessions)
  • 1:1 weekly yoga sessions               (75 mins, 10 sessions)
  • Coaching + yoga allows for somatic learning where your body is invited into the learning space to enhance the transformational process.            ** A connection between the mind AND body is achieved through these two modalities.**
  • A strategic and clear plan
  • Weekly Action Steps
  • Support between calls via voice/text message

This is an investment in YOU, the very best investment you can make.
Payment Plans are available

Please Contact me for pricing

I'm ready

You will leave with trust, awe and appreciation for your mind, body and spirit.
 You will leave having let love return! 



Coaching Client

“Jill is an amazing coach that truly hears and values what her clients have to say. I felt understood, and I really connected with Jill the first time I worked with her. She really inspired me to make changes for myself and not for the sake of others; I'm excited to start falling in love with myself again.”

“Always looking forward to the weekly coaching calls. Thank you for caring deeply about me and my success. This experience has shown me to say “YES” to myself in a whole new way, mentally, energetically, spiritually and physically; and I could not have done that without Jill. Jill has challenged me to go outside my comfort zone, trying new things and stretching beyond my current experiences. Thank you Jill for believing in me and my abilities to achieve my vision of success.

Coaching Client


lets do this.
